Apostle Dr. Leonard Q. Sampson, D.D., Senior Pastor (Presiding Prelate, COTBOC)
Apostle Dr. Leonard Quintin Sampson, born the leader of a generation having no older siblings or cousins has been groomed from day one for the work of the Lord. Leonard was called to the Apostleship through a Prophetess in the eyes of witness on Dec 23, 2012, and officially affirmed into office on Mar 4, 2017. He has since time made every effort to walk into the calling that God has placed upon his life and is address as such by those who witnessed, understand, and see the call upon him. Not an apostle by the authority of man, but by the express will and call of God through prophecy and the gift within him at the laying on of hands, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” He is not bound by the tradition of man nor focuses on those who would be naysayers in relation to the calling on his life, but instead focuses his total time and attention to fulfilling that call. In the commission of this call his assignment is to the refocusing of leadership, as the church today can’t be fixed from the pews up, but from the pulpit down. Leonard studied Christian Studies at Grand Canyon University, Psychology at South University, and pursuing a doctorate in Theology, which is only for personal achievement since all he believes and teaches is obtained from the greatest professor known; The Holy Ghost. He has been named the Assistant Pastor and Leadership Adviser for the anointed ministry of the Rebirth4Love Ministries Leader’s Group, founded by Evangelist PJ Sampson.
He is the Senior Pastor of One Faith Unified Body of Christ Church, Presiding Prelate of the covering organization Churches of the Body of Christ, Inc. (C.O.T.B.O.C), Founder/Chairman of Holy Order of Overseers (HOO) and also Founder of its sister organization, Ladies One With Overseers (LOO). He is the husband of one wife; Satonia Sampson [whom together share four children], son’s Caleb Isaac & Darylle Wendell, and daughter’s Mya Nicole & Shyla Chyntrell. He is a man of kingdom principle, standards, and seeks the Lord in all that he does. Not a man of fancy titles or accolades, but rather a man of order with a goal to be a man after God’s own heart, leading not in the condemning of others wrongs but rather in the overcoming testimony of his own past failures. He has been blessed with a powerful ministry of deliverance and lives to be the example of God’s redemptive power and blessings and just not a teacher of them. By the authority given him by God he speaks into the lives of others blessings, healing, and encouragement as the Holy Ghost gives him utterance. He was raised in holiness in the C.O.G.I.C (Church of God in Christ) faith, and is now Non-Denominational as he believes not in the divisions cause through Denominations, but in God.
One Faith Unified Body of Christ Church
Located at 120 St. Pauls Rd., Warsaw, VA. One Faith Unified Body of Christ Church is a ministry of faith by obedience and focused on changing the face of church as usual. (Formerly, The Stop Before Heaven Ministries, Petersburg, VA.) To visit our website click on our logo!
Bishop David Dyer, Senior Pastor (1st Vice Presider, C.O.T.B.O.C. / Chairman Joint College of Bishops)
David Lee Dyer born November 24, 1951 in Kansas City, Kansas is the youngest child born to Napoleon Dyer and Rosetta Springs Dyer. He had three sisters and one brother, which have all gone home to the Lord. He was brought up in a Christian home believing in God however, not knowing or understanding that God had a plan for his life, and that there would be serious challenges as well as many things he would encounter. He graduated from high school in 1969 and joined the US Navy, after two years of service he was honorably discharged a Vietnam veteran. As an adult his life has taken many twists and turns; alcohol, drug abuse, jail, and prison. However the grace and mercy of God has seen him through it all. Disobedience did not stop God from using him throughout the period of these trials. In 1987 he began to hear God speak to him; attempting to turn a deaf ear, God said not so. He would become His instrument and do His will. As God began to sit him down and truly work on his spirit it birthed his calling is to ministry. This was something he believed to always have known deep down inside because of the unsettling of his spirit for so many years. He received his first ministry license from The Powerhouse in Denver, CO., under Pastor Kenneth Powell and Bishop Charles T. Johnson Sr. He went on to establish my own ministry founding Solid Foundation Church, Inc with his wife Patricia. Shortly thereafter he was Installed as Pastor by Prelate Jones and Apostle George G. W LuVene, of Bridging a Generational Fellowship of Churches and appointed Overseer of the Rocky Mountain Region which covered several states. As great a honor as it was however, he was distracted by the world once again and spiraled back into the world of alcohol and drugs . God however, is faithful even when we are not. He showed him favor, forgave, and restored him. Not to be mistaken, he struggled daily and this struggle led him to some awesome fellowships. He currently lives his life for the Lord and is the Senior Pastor and Bishop of Spirit and Truth International, Inc., President of Churches Of The Body Of Christ, Inc. under the leadership of Apostle Leonard Q. Sampson, Presiding Prelate and founder of C.O.T B.O.C who is also Senior Pastor of One Faith Unified Body of Christ Church located in Warsaw, VA. He strives to live by three principles; Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected Knowledge…” he therefore seeks knowledge and remains open and receptive to all that have it to pass on, 2 Chronicles 7:14 “…turn from their wicked ways…” has sought to turn from all his wicked ways, and lastly, 2 Corinthians 13:8 “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” To sum it all up, he has the desire according to the Word of God in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Vs 1 “This is a faithful saying, he desires a good work” and he does and is very faithful in that work in an attempt to at all times be faithful to God in Divine order of Ministry, and Father.
Solid Foundation Church, Inc.
Located in Denver, CO, Solid Foundation Church is an on-fire powerhouse focused on deliverance and teaching God’s people how to truly walk in His word in Spirit and in truth!

Bishop Carl R. Curry (2nd Vice Presider C.O.T.B.O.C. / Vice Chairman Joint College of Bishops)
Bishop-Elect Carl R. Curry was born the morning of July 20th, 1963 to Reverend Margaret L. Curry. He has four living siblings and one deceased sibling. He and his twin sister, Minister Carla Martin, are the youngest of all the siblings. Carl was the only male in the household of three females raised in Staten Island, N.Y., where he quickly excelled in the public school system and the small intimate community center which ran social and cultural programs for black families in the 1960’s. Carl grew up in a heavy religious home, where the setting of rules and faith played a part in his raising. The Pentecostal faith within the fellowship of C.O.G.I.C. (Church Of God In Christ) was instrumental in the shaping of his understanding of being the chosen of God since his earthly conception. The Word of God states in Jeremiah 1:4,5 “Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations”. Though this particular scripture was applied to the Prophet Jeremiah, the principle of this scripture has surely applied to Bishop-Elect Curry. During the many cycles of Bishop-Elect Curry’s cognitional, physical, emotional and spiritual growth, he encountered many challenges that ultimately assisted him down the destinatorial path that led him to the presence of God. Bishop-Elect Curry achieved and received numerous academic degrees and certifications, but feels that all his academic achievements means little to the comparison of God’s anointing and Biblical understanding through God’s instruction to meditate on His Word day and night. Bishop-Elect Curry’s first call to ministry came early at the age of 21, where he had become an ordained minister and placed in the Mount Calvary Holy Church’s music ministry as a Worship singer and drummer. His first marriage to Joann Dowtin resulted in (4) children being gifted to them: Carl Jr., Lanae, Dominique and Devon. His children were and are the love and existence of his life. Due to the lack of maturity of Bishop-Elect and his wife at the time, the two divorced after (8) years of marriage, but remained close and co-parented their children not living more than one mile in distance apart. Though life challenges played a part of his personal and spiritual growth, Bishop-Elect stayed rooted in his church culture and upbringing. During the years of proving his worth and having visible spiritual fruits, Bishop-Elect had been ordained to Elder by his spiritual father of that dispensation, the Bishop Andy C. Lewter of the Hollywood Baptist Cathedral, located in Amityville, Long Island. At this time, Elder Curry became a member of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship where Bishop Paul S. Morton was the Presiding Prelate. Bishop-Elect has prospered spiritually where he had been given several prestigious assignments of high-level leadership positions. Bishop-Elect had gotten the call from God to pastor The Full Gospel Baptist Worship Center. After serval years of pastoring there, God showed Bishop-Elect his current wife, First Lady Elder Yonnicka Curry. The two had gotten married in the beautiful setting of Jamaica where she was born and raised, and (30) family and friends had attended. Bishop-Elect Carl and First Lady Yonnicka Curry have been blessed with (3) children: Zidan Smith, age 12 years old (from her previous marriage), and the twins Mordecai and Aviana (5) years old, that’s of their current marriage. Bishop-Elect Curry is the founder and Senior Pastor of The Cathedral Of Worship And Praise Christian Center, located in Tampa, Florida. Bishop-Elect has been in covenant with God to obey Him completely, while God remains giving Bishop-Elect tremendous Biblical understanding, along with earthly and heavenly favor. Bishop-Elect’s statement of service and life is “FOR GOD I LIVE, AND FOR GOD I DIE”. From the temporary to the eternal, Bishop-Elect will ALWAYS remain a humble and sincere servant to God for the earthly assignment of helping and aiding humanity.

The Cathedral of Worship and Praise Christian Center, Inc.
Located in Tampa, Fl. a dynamic ministry focused on shaping disciples in the ways of the Master.
Bishop Alfred J. Lawrence Sr., Pastor (C.O.T.B.O.C. Joint College of Bishops)
Alfred J. Lawrence Sr. is the youngest of four children born to the late Ben Lawrence Jr. and Mary (Lawrence), Davis. In 1998 he was called into the ministry at the ripe age of 21. After being chosen by God and answering His call, he’s continued to from then charge forward in the work of the ministry for the Lords church. He remains eager and willing to learn more and more of God’s Holy Word. He is fully persuaded in the understanding that there are yet higher heights and deeper depths in his ongoing ministry journey. His stance is in the sovereignty of one simple mindset: “Wherever God leads me, I’ll follow”.
Mt. Zion Holy Tabernacle
Located in Andrews, SC focusing on growing the people of God in the Spirit-led example of Christ through the sound doctrine of the Word of God.

Apostle Chavez Bell (C.O.T.B.O.C. Treasure)
Apostle Chavez Bell born December 2nd and the son of Joelene Bell and Octum Bell. Has 8 siblings (5 boys/ 3 girls) 2 nephews / 3 nieces.
A fun fact is that he is a twin (Javez Bell). Originally, from Flint, Michigan where he answered the calling on his life at 7 years old. Moved and escalated to Phoenix, AZ at 12 years old.. Graduated high school online. He has sat on the school board of PVUSD helping develop curriculums for Human Growth and Development.
He plays 12 musical instruments and accomplished becoming an skilled classical singer. Conducted a symphony orchestra in Phoenix, Arizona. He directed 4 Choirs (2 gospel, one classical,and one barbershop). He performed on broadway and musicals (2014-2017) all while acquiring a recording studio in Phoenix, Arizona where he composed music.
Currently serves as a Leader of BLM Metro Phoenix, Arizona chapter. He speaks 3 different languages: English/Arabic/ASL. Relocated to Oklahoma where he currently resides.
He is currently in school studying Criminal Law, Political Science, and ASL (American Sign Language) where he plans to start a nonprofit offering legal representation to low income families, career attachment programs, prison reform and counseling and offer community housing development projects.
Apostle Chavez has sat as the treasurer of COTBOC (Churches of the Body of Christ) in 2018 – 2020 under the leadership of his Father in the Faith, Apostle Leonard Sampson. Apostle Chavez is the acting Chairman of the Greater Impact Board of Apostles and overseer of one church and many leaders in many location where he currently sit as Chief Executive Officer and Presiding Prelate.
Chavez Bell, along with his wife Allietta, serve as Co-Pastors of Greater Impact International Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Chavez and Allietta strives to build GIIC by preaching at online and in-person services while ministering to various audiences and reaches thousands of people with God’s Word on a weekly basis. They also act as the ceo and coo of the Greater Impact Network and serve around the world speaking at churches, conferences, and crusades. Their style of preaching is described as refreshingly transparent, uplifting, and practical while also being visual. Their desire is that people feel empowered and challenged to step out and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.
Apostle Chavez is the current presiding prelate and chief executive officer of Greater Impact International Church & Shekinah Glory Prophetic Voice Ministries.

Prophet, Bishop Nii Okan Mensah, International Liaison Africa Region

Bishop Erell Holloway, (C.O.T.B.O.C Joint College of Bishops)