“This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.” 1Ti. 3:1 KJV
Geneva Study Bible Breakdown “This {1} is a true saying, {2} If a man {a} desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work”
(1) The true saying: Having completed the treatise of doctrine and of the manner of handling of it, as well also of public prayer, he now in the third place comes to the persons themselves, speaking first of pastors, and afterwards of deacons. And he uses a preface, so that the church may know that these are certain and sure rules.
(2) The office of bishop, or the ministry of the word is not an idle dignity, but a work, and that an excellent work: and therefore a bishop must be furnished with many virtues both at home and abroad. Therefore it is necessary before he is chosen to examine well his learning, his gifts, his abilities, and his life.
(a) He does not speak here of ambitious seeking, of which there cannot be a worse fault in the Church, but generally of the mind and disposition of man, prepared and disposed to help and edify the Church of God, when and wherever it will please the Lord.
It is because we in the Churches of the Body of Christ believe by these principles that the Joint College of Bishops exist to search out the desire of those who seek to take on this sacred office. So you believe you have such a desire? Please petition our Joint College of Bishops and find out if you indeed have the stature to enter into this most of sacred offices.
~Stay Blessed~